
Reliable, flavorful, legendary

Padron cigars embody the spirit of Nicaragua, all made entirely from tobacco grown in the nation’s dark, fertile soils. They’re an undeniably legendary brand known worldwide for their consistency, each and every cigar providing a reliably perfect draw, perfectly balanced flavors, and classic presentation. Their flagship lines (Padron and Padron Maduro) are sometimes overlooked for the 1926 and 1964 Anniversary series, but still make an excellent everyday treat for quality-minded connoisseurs.

The Padron Maduro contains the same filler blend as the original Padron, with a heavy maduro wrapper on top that deepens the flavor notes while keeping the strength at a smooth medium body. A rich, complex aroma gives way to a toasty profile with leather and espresso undertones, and a lingering finish with just the right amount of sweetness and spice. If you’re looking for the best of what Nicaragua has to offer without breaking the bank, grab a box of Padron and get puffin’!

Padron Maduro has earned an impressive array of 90+ ratings, as high as 93. One review noted: “Deliciously nutty, this slightly pressed torpedo has an underlying toastiness complemented by notes of cocoa powder and a sweet, nougat finish.”

Shop the rest of Padron’s highly-rated brands 这里.

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数量 价格 折扣
5-9 $138.23 5%
10-19 $133.86 8%
20+ $128.04 12%


尺寸 Cortico Maduro (Cigarillos) (4.2"x35)包装 Pack of 36 [6/6]建议零售价: 174.60价格: $174.60库存: 有库存
尺寸 Cortico Maduro (Cigarillos) (4.2"x35)包装 每盒 30 个正常价格: 145.50价格: $145.50库存: 有库存
尺寸 Londres Maduro (Corona) (5.5"x42)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 179.40价格: $179.40库存: 有库存
尺寸 Palmas Maduro (Lonsdale) (6.3"x42)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 197.60价格: $197.60库存: 有库存
尺寸 Panetela Maduro (Lancero/Panatela) (6.9"x36)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 197.60价格: $197.60库存: 有库存
尺寸 Delicias Maduro (Corona) (4.9"x46)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 200.20价格: $200.20库存: 有库存
尺寸 Ambassador Maduro (Lancero/Panatela) (6.9"x42)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 202.80价格: $202.80库存: 有库存
尺寸 2000 Maduro (Robusto) (5.0"x50)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 204.10价格: $204.10库存: 有库存
尺寸 3000 Maduro (Robusto) (5.5"x52)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 226.20价格: $226.20库存: 有库存
尺寸 Churchill Maduro (6.9"x46)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 226.20价格: $226.20库存: 有库存
尺寸 5000 Maduro (Gordo) (5.5"x56)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 260.00价格: $260.00库存: 有库存
尺寸 4000 Maduro (Toro) (6.5"x54)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 266.50价格: $266.50库存: 有库存
尺寸 6000 Maduro (Torpedo) (5.5"x52)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 278.20价格: $278.20库存: 有库存
尺寸 Executive Maduro (Presidente) (7.5"x50)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 283.40价格: $283.40库存: 有库存
尺寸 7000 Maduro (Gordo) (6.2"x60)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 297.70价格: $297.70库存: 有库存
尺寸 Magnum Maduro (Presidente) (9.0"x50)包装 Box of 26正常价格: 344.50价格: $344.50库存: 有库存



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