Ultra-premium tobaccos, paired with mouthwatering delicious flavors.
The ultimate assortment of deliciously flavored, handmade cigars has had a complete overhaul. Now hailing from the largest producer of flavored cigars in the world, La Aurora, Cuban Honeys have been reblended and boast new flavors, updated packaging, and that same dessert-like quality…without all the calories. Utilizing all-natural flavors, these tasty, mellow cigars boast Cuban-seed tobaccos from the lushest soils that the Dominican Republic has to offer. Be ready for crowds to congregate once the scent of these affordable sticks hits the air, just make sure to keep a firm grip on these tantalizing treats, or else have plenty of backups.
Southern Gentleman: Made with an intoxicating blend of ground vanilla bean mixed with a combination of tropical fruits. To top off the mix, a dash of Bourbon is added to deliver a truly unique taste of sweet citrus and a bold, aromatic vanilla.
Drunken Truffle: A delectable dish of hearty coconut extract spliced with whisky, chocolate, Irish cream, and French vanilla. Unfortunately, these fine delicacies won’t get you drunk, but they are damn tasty. Be sure to give these goodies a try.
Honey: Naturally flavored with a generous dose of honey. A wonderful balance between slight hints of natural premium tobaccos and enticing notes of sweet honey, this snack is always a welcomed experience.
Vanilla: A scrumptious blend of gentle Bourbon and vanilla extract, this combination is commonly known as Beanilla vanilla. This addition produces hearty notes of vanilla accented by lingering hints of caramel, spices, and a slight nuance of citrus.