Villiger CORRIDA Cigars
Indulge in the Villiger Corrida, a meticulously crafted cigar known for its robust flavor and smooth draw. Perfect for a refined smoking experience.
A cigar of character – that’s the CORRIDA produced in in Danli, Honduras exclusively by Nestor A. Plasencia, and it’s a name synonymous with the very highest quality.
Formulated for clarity, and self-assured in its unmistakable red label, this cigar offers all the advantages of strong tobacco, and all the taste you’d expect from a special selection of complex aromas with underlying notes of earth and pepper. All of these make the CORRIDA a cigar to accompany those most memorable moments with unadulterated enjoyment. A no-compromise experience combining animal strength with the pure taste of tobacco.
BRAZIL ROBUSTO + (5 x 56) 20
BRAZIL TORO + (6 x 52) 20
HONDURAS ROBUSTO + (6 x 56) 20
HONDURAS TORO + (6 x 52) 20
DOMINICAN REP. TORO + (6 x 52) 20
NICARAGUA ROB + (5 x 56) 20
NICARAGUA TORO + (6 x 52) 20